Celebrating Women’s Month: Recognizing Women’s Contributions in NGOs/NPOs

an image representing the theme of Women's Month

  • Women’s Month is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in various fields and sectors, including NGOs/NPOs.
  • Women have been playing a vital role in NGOs/NPOs, as founders, staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and beneficiaries.
  • Women’s contributions to NGOs/NPOs are not only valuable for the organizations themselves but also for the communities and societies they serve.
  • Women’s participation and leadership in NGOs/NPOs can help address the root causes of gender inequality and discrimination and empower other women and girls to realize their potential and rights.
  • Women’s involvement in NGOs/NPOs can also help address the issues and challenges that affect us all, such as climate change, environmental issues, human rights, and peacebuilding.

March honors women’s accomplishments and roles in different sectors. This blog covers women in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or non-profit organizations (NPOs) and social and advocacy groups. We will interview female leaders and experts in NGOs/NPOs. We will talk about advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in NGOs/NPOs and more.

Women play key roles in NGOs/NPOs as staff, donors, and beneficiaries. They are the majority of NGO workers and leaders. They support causes related to women, health, education, and rights.

Women in NGOs/NPOs support people, fight gender issues, and empower women and girls.


I. What is Women’s Month?

II. The Role of Women in NGOs/NPOs

A. Interviews with Female Leaders

III. Women’s Achievements and Contributions in NGOs/NPOs Around the World

IV. How to Support and Get Involved in NGOs/NPOs

1. Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

What is Women’s Month?

Women’s Month celebrates women’s achievements every March. Women’s Month originated from International Women’s Day. This day was first observed on March 8, 1911. It was a result of the women’s rights movement. This movement emerged in the 19th and 20th centuries. International Women’s Day is a global event. It recognizes women’s achievements in various fields. It also calls for action to promote gender equality and empowerment.

The theme of Women’s Month 2024 is “Inspire Inclusion.” This theme is about economic inclusion for women and girls. Economic inclusion can help them achieve equal rights and fair treatment. Equal rights and fair treatment are aspects of gender equality and social justice. The theme is about collective action and shared ownership. They can drive gender parity in all spheres of life. These spheres include the workplace, the community, the home, and the world. The theme is about women and girls’ achievements and contributions. They have done well in various fields of endeavor. The theme also challenges the barriers and biases they face. These barriers and biases limit their opportunities and potential.

The Role of Women in NGOs/NPOs

We interviewed female leaders and experts in NGOs/NPOs from various sectors. Here are some of the highlights from our interviews:

Interviews with Female Leaders

  • Maria, one of the exemplary female leaders in NGOs, founded a local organization that educates and empowers rural women and girls. She said:
    • “I started this NGO with my friends because we saw the need and the potential of women and girls in our community. We helped them with education, skills, and income. We also wanted to create a space where they can learn, grow, and support each other. Our NGO has been running for over 10 years now, and we have reached more than 5,000 women and girls in our area. Our programs improved their confidence, income, and safety. Our work helps their families and communities be healthier, smarter, and stronger."
  • Linda manages global NPO programs on climate and the environment. She said:
    • “I have worked for this NPO on climate and environment for 15 years. I saw climate change hurt people and the planet, especially women and girls. I saw women and girls’ resilience and innovation, who often solve and adapt best. I support women’s organizations, our partners, and stakeholders, in their work. I also push for women’s voices and views in climate and environment policies and actions.”
  • Fatima researches and consults for a human rights and peace NGO. She said:
    • “I have worked for this NGO on human rights and peace in the region for five years. I studied women’s rights, violence, peace, and justice. I trained diverse groups and organizations on these topics. I have two roles: researcher and consultant. I generate and disseminate knowledge and evidence. This can guide and improve their actions. I also enhance their capacities and skills. This helps them tackle the regional issues. I have another goal: to raise awareness. I also foster dialogue and collaboration. These are among the different sectors and groups. Some of these groups are women and youth. They are often marginalized and excluded. This happens in the peace processes and mechanisms.”

Women’s Achievements and Contributions in NGOs/NPOs Around the World

Women’s contributions in NGOs/NPOs are not limited to a specific country or region but span across the globe and various fields and sectors. Here are some examples and stories of women’s achievements and contributions to NGOs/NPOs from different parts of the world:

  • Malala Yousafzai, Nobel laureate and girls’ education activist. From Malala Yousafzai's advocacy for girls' education to Wangari Maathai's environmental leadership, these stories exemplify remarkable women’s achievements in NPOs worldwide. She said:
    • “I tell my story not because it is unique, but because it is the story of many girls. Despite surviving a Taliban attack, I remained determined to pursue my aspirations. I continued to speak out and fight for the right of every girl to go to school. I started the Malala Fund with my father to support the education and activism of girls around the world. One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world.”
  • Wangari Maathai, Nobel laureate and environmentalist. She said:
    • “I founded the Green Belt Movement in 1977 for Kenya’s environmental and social issues. We encouraged women to plant trees and to protect the forests and the land. We also enabled women to claim their rights and contribute to their nation. We learned that environment and democracy are linked, and peace needs justice."
  • Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel laureate and human rights activist. She said:
    • “I grew up in a poor Guatemalan Indigenous community and saw my people’s war struggles. I lost my father, mother, and brother to the massacres and the torture. I advocated for human rights and Indigenous voices globally. I founded the Rigoberta Menchú Tum Foundation. It advocates for Indigenous rights and cultures. It helps with peace and reconciliation in conflict zones.”

How to Support and Get Involved in NGOs/NPOs

The social impact of women-led NGOs is evident in the positive changes they bring to communities, as highlighted by our interviews with Linda, Maria, and Fatima. To join and help women-led NGOs/NPOs, check out these tips and resources:

  • Donate: You can donate money or goods to NGOs/NPOs that work on causes and issues that you care about. You can also support a woman or girl for education, health, or livelihood. Donate to NGOs/NPOs on GlobalGiving, GiveWell, or Charity Navigator.
  • Volunteer: You can volunteer your time, skills, or expertise to NGOs/NPOs that need your support. You can also join or organize events and activities that raise awareness and funds for NGOs/NPOs. Volunteer on VolunteerMatch, Idealist, or UN Volunteers.
  • Advocate: You can support women, girls, and NGO/NPO causes. You can also join or create actions for change. You can join advocacy platforms like Change.org, Avaaz, or Amnesty International.
  • Learn: You can explore women and NGO/NPO stories, issues, and prospects. Learn and teach about gender issues and women’s rights. You can find and access learning resources on platforms such as Coursera, edX, and TED.

Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Women’s roles in NGOs/NPOs are diverse and significant. They reveal women’s struggles and prospects in NGOs/NPOs. How can we promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the NGO/NPO sector and beyond? Here are some of the suggestions from our interviewees:

  • Maria said:
    • “We have a need: to create more spaces and platforms. These are for women and girls. They can express their needs, opinions, and aspirations there. They can also access information, resources, and opportunities there. We need to help, cheer, and recognize each other. We need to work with other groups to use our assets and increase our effect and scope. We have a need: to challenge and change the norms and structures. These norms and structures perpetuate gender inequality and discrimination. These include patriarchy, stereotypes, and gender-blindness.”
  • Linda said:
    • “We need to value women’s and men’s roles and views in common issues like climate and environment. We need equal access and participation for women and men in all decisions and actions. We have a need: to support and invest in the initiatives and innovations of women and girls. Some are from the neediest and excluded groups. They are often the most affected and the most solution-oriented. We need to educate on gender-environment connection and support.”
  • Fatima said:
    • “We need to respect and protect everyone’s rights and dignity. We have a need: to prevent and respond to violence and violations. Women and girls face these. They face them, especially in conflict and post-conflict situations. Some examples of these are sexual violence, forced displacement, and denial of justice. We have a need: to involve and empower women and girls. The peacebuilding and reconciliation processes and mechanisms include and enable them. Some examples of these are peace negotiations, peace agreements, and peace commissions. These are essential for achieving lasting and inclusive peace. Let’s promote peace and human rights with equality, diversity, solidarity, and non-violence.”

Women’s Month is a special time. It celebrates the achievements and contributions of women. They work in various fields and sectors. NGOs/NPOs are one of them. Women are vital for NGOs/NPOs in many roles. Women help NGOs/NPOs and their communities. Women leaders in NGOs/NPOs can fight gender issues and inspire other women and girls. Women in NGOs/NPOs also address climate, environment, rights, and peace.

We hope that this blog has inspired and informed you about the role of women in NGOs/NPOs. Join us to celebrate and support women in NGOs/NPOs and gender equality everywhere. Happy Women’s Month!


Celebrate and recognize the achievements and contributions of women in NGOs/NPOs. They can help address the issues and challenges that affect us all while promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. Support and celebrate women’s role in NGOs/NPOs during Women’s Month and beyond.

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