Celebrating Women’s Month: Empowering Women in NGOs/NPOs

An empowering image of diverse women collaborating or making a positive impact.

  • Women are powerful agents of change, especially in NGOs/NPOs. Despite facing obstacles, empowering women is crucial for sustainable development and human rights.
  • Gender equality is a human right and integral to sustainable development goals. Benefits include poverty reduction, improved health, enhanced education, environmental protection, and promotion of peace.
  • NGOs/NPOs play a crucial role in fighting the pandemic and addressing social missions.
  • Utilize various resources like books, podcasts, documentaries, and blogs to learn about gender equality.
  • Support NGOs/NPOs through online donations, crowdfunding campaigns, charity events, auctions, etc.
  • Engage in online or on-site volunteering, campaigning, lobbying, and advocating for gender equality.
  • Women are leaders and change-makers in NGOs/NPOs and society.

Women are powerful agents of social impact in the world. Women are key in many domains, especially in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and non-profit organizations (NPOs) that improve society. Yet, they face many obstacles that limit their involvement and leadership. Empowering women and gender equality are key to sustainable development and human rights.

This blog celebrates women leaders in NGOs/NPOs who create positive change. It also gives tips on how to support gender equality and social justice in this sector.

How Gender Equality Benefits Everyone

Gender equality is not just fair and just but also sensible and beneficial. It benefits everyone, enhancing individual, community, and national outcomes socially, economically, and environmentally. Here are some ways gender equality can benefit all:

What is Gender Equality and Why is it Important?

Gender equality is when women and men are equal in all aspects of life. It is a human right and a key to sustainable development and peace. The UN’s core value and one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all by 2030. It is also a cross-cutting issue that relates to and influences all the other SDGs.

How Gender Equality Benefits Everyone

Gender equality benefits everyone in various ways, such as:

  • Increasing women’s access to education and health and increasing income reduces poverty and hunger. Empowering women could raise low-income countries’ income by 14-20% and reduce world hunger by 12-17%.
  • Improving health and well-being by addressing women’s and men’s health needs. Women’s health could prevent 5.8 million deaths and infectious diseases.
  • Promoting equal and inclusive education for girls and boys enhances education and learning. Educating girls could increase their earnings by 10-20%, reduce child mortality by 9.5%, and foster civic and political participation and social cohesion.
  • Women’s environmental stewardship and leadership protect the environment and fight climate change. Empowering women could improve environmental policies and programs, increase community resilience and adaptation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote renewable energy and sustainable consumption and production.
  • Dialogue, cooperation, and women’s involvement in peace promote security. Women in peace talks increase lasting peace and healing.

Celebrating Women’s Month in the NGO/NPO Sector

Women’s Month honors women’s achievements and challenges and promotes women’s issues. The Philippines’ theme is “WE for gender equality and inclusive society.” It exemplifies teamwork for gender equality, women's empowerment, and universal respect without discrimination. The NGO/NPO sector leads the fight against the pandemic and its impacts. NGOs and NPOs work apart from the government and have a social mission or a common cause. They offer services and programs for different communities’ needs and issues.

Interviews with Female Leaders in NGOs/NPOs

We have collected interviews of female leaders and experts in the NGO/NPO sector for Women’s Month. They have shared their stories, insights, and advice on empowering women and advancing gender equality in their work.

  • Manju Singh, Guria

Manju Singh, a top woman NGO leader, has rescued over 5,500 girls from slavery and trafficking. Her nonprofit, Guria, closed illegal brothels and imprisoned traffickers and brothel owners. Manju is a courageous community leader, working bravely and risking her safety.

  • Dr. Prema Dhanraj, Agni Raksha

Dr. Prema Dhanraj, a top plastic surgeon, has helped many women with severe burn injuries. Her NGO, Agni Raksha, has given hundreds of women free medical care and surgeries. Dr. Prema experienced life as a burn victim and faced discrimination. She decided to dedicate her life to helping women in similar situations.

Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

These women leaders are fighting for gender equality and inspiring others. They are showing us that women can lead, make a difference, and change the world. Their stories inspire us, and their actions empower us. As we celebrate Women’s Month, let’s take a moment to appreciate these women and the work they do. Let’s learn from them and strive to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in our own ways. Remember that each step for gender equality makes a better, fairer world.

How You Can Support Gender Equality in NGOs/NPOs

How to be a social justice ally and support female leaders and gender equality in NGOs/NPOs? Here are some tips and suggestions on how you can do so:

1. Educate Yourself and Others

To support women and gender equality in NGOs/NPOs, learn and share their issues and solutions. Use resources and platforms like books, podcasts, documentaries, blogs, social media, etc.

Some examples are:

  • Books:
    • Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
    • We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
    • The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates
    • Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez
    • The Power by Naomi Alderman
  • Podcasts:
    • The Guilty Feminist by Deborah Frances-White
    • Women in the World by Tina Brown
    • The Broad Experience by Ashley Milne-Tyte
    • Girlboss Radio by Sophia Amoruso
    • TED Talks Daily by TED
  • Documentaries:
    • He Named Me Malala by Davis Guggenheim
    • RBG by Julie Cohen and Betsy West
    • Period. End of Sentence. by Rayka Zehtabchi
    • Knock Down the House by Rachel Lears
    • Miss Representation by Jennifer Siebel Newsom
  • Blogs:
    • All Cause Philippines
    • UN Women
    • Global Fund for Women
    • Lean In
    • Girls Not Brides
  • Social Media:
    • #WomensMonth
    • #GenerationEquality
    • #HeForShe
    • #MeToo
    • #TimesUp

2. Donate and Fundraise

Support women and gender equality in NGOs/NPOs by donating, fundraising, and inspiring. Use online, crowdfunding, events, auctions, sales, etc. Examples are:

  • Online Donations: You can donate to NGOs/NPOs that work on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Pick from donation options and programs that fit your needs and budget. Track and check your donations’ impact and progress online. You can also receive a tax receipt and a certificate of appreciation for your donations.
  • Crowdfunding Campaigns: Create and launch a crowdfunding campaign for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Use templates and tools to make and share your campaign. Pick your goal and deadline and get your network to back you. Thank your supporters online and on social media.
  • Charity Events: Host a charity event for women and gender equality. You can choose from various event ideas and resources that will help you plan and execute your event. You can also register and manage your event through an online platform and social media. You can also collect and transfer your funds to NGOs/NPOs through the online payment system.
  • Auctions, Sales, etc.: Try other fun and creative ways to fundraise for women and gender equality in NGOs/NPOs, like auctions, sales, raffles, challenges, etc. Use your skills, hobbies, or passions to make and sell things that support the cause. Auction items or experiences for the cause with your network and influence. Challenge yourself and others to support the cause with your imagination and courage. Visit our website for more ideas and examples.

3. Volunteer and Advocate

Support women and gender equality in NGOs/NPOs by volunteering, advocating, and inspiring. Volunteer and advocate online, on-site, or by campaigning, lobbying, etc. Examples are:

  • Online Volunteering: You can volunteer online for NGOs/NPOs that work on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Pick online volunteering opportunities and programs that suit your skills, interests, and availability. Track and check your online volunteering impact and progress. Get a certificate for your online volunteering. To volunteer online, please visit this page.
  • On-site Volunteering: You can volunteer on-site for NGOs/NPOs that work on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Pick on-site volunteering that matches you. Manage on-site volunteering online. Give feedback and evaluation online. Get a certificate for on-site volunteering.
  • Campaigning: You can campaign for gender equality and women’s empowerment in the NGO/NPO sector. Create and share campaigns for gender equality online. Join and support existing movements in the NGO/NPO sector. Update and thank your supporters online.
  • Lobbying: You can lobby for gender equality and women’s empowerment in the NGO/NPO sector. Research and prepare lobbying proposals online. Join and support lobbying initiatives for gender equality in the NGO/NPO sector. Update and thank your supporters online.

Women are amazing and inspiring. They are leaders and change-makers in the NGO/NPO sector and in the society at large. They empower women and advance gender equality in their fields and sectors. They are making a difference in the world.

Celebrate women’s NGO/NPO impact this month. Let us also support and empower them in their work and their lives. Let us also join them in their advocacy and action for gender equality and social justice.

Visit our website to support women’s NGO/NPO work and find volunteer or donor opportunities.

Together, we can empower women and support gender equality in NGOs/NPOs. Together, we can create a better world for everyone.


Women have a pivotal role as powerful agents of change in NGOs/NPOs, emphasizing the imperative of overcoming obstacles to empower women for sustainable development and human rights. There are multifaceted benefits of gender equality across education, health, poverty reduction, environmental protection, and peace. Celebrate women as inspirational leaders and we urge collective efforts to create a more equitable and just world.

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