Celebrating Women’s Month: The Impact of Female Leaders in the NGO/NPO Sector

  • Celebrate female leaders making a positive impact.
  • All Cause values women as equal partners.
  • Gender equality empowers both sexes, enhances well-being, and promotes justice, peace, and democracy.
  • The future is bright and promising with passionate, visionary, and courageous leaders.
  • Donate, volunteer, spread the word, and join NGOs/NPOs supporting women's causes.

This blog celebrates Women’s Month by highlighting female leaders in the NGO/NPO sector. We will share interviews with some of the women who are making a positive impact in their fields. We will also show how All Cause values women’s rights and empowerment. Finally, we will look forward to the future of women in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or non-profit organizations (NPOs) and how we can support their initiatives.


I. Celebrating Women’s Month

II. The Impact of Female Leaders

A. Interviews with Female Leaders

B. Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

III. Women’s Achievements in the NGO/NPO Sector

A. Notable Female Leaders

B. Their Contributions to Society

IV. The Importance of Gender Equality

A. How NGOs/NPOs Promote Women’s Empowerment

V. Looking Forward: The Future of Women in NGOs/NPOs

A. Upcoming Projects Led by Women

B. How to Support Women’s Initiatives

Celebrating Women’s Month

Women’s Month celebrates women’s achievements and raises awareness of their challenges, such as discrimination, violence, poverty, and lack of opportunities. Women’s Month aims to inspire action and solidarity for gender equality and women’s rights.

The theme for Women’s Month in 2024 is “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion”. This theme celebrates women who fight for a fair, diverse, and inclusive society. They challenge biases, overcome obstacles, and create opportunities for all. We value and respect everyone’s unique contributions and experiences. Let’s honor these women and work for a better world.

Visual representation of the theme "Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion."

The Impact of Female Leaders

Female leaders have a positive and significant impact in the NGO/NPO sector. They contribute to their organizations and movements with diverse perspectives, experiences, and skills. They challenge stereotypes and barriers limiting women from leadership roles. They show that women can be effective and influential leaders in any field and sector and that they can help society develop and change.

Interviews with Female Leaders

We celebrated Women’s Month by collecting interviews with some of the female leaders in the NGO/NPO sector. They shared their stories, insights, and advice on how they lead change and empower others.

  • Interview with Jenny Gaither, Founder of “Movemeant Foundation”

Jenny Gaither is the Founder and Executive Director of Movemeant Foundation. She became a SoulCycle instructor in 2010 and faced her body-image issues. The organization supports young women to be active and confident. It shifts their focus from “losing weight” to finding their strength and self-esteem.

  • Interview with Semhar Araia, Founder of “Diaspora African Women’s Network (DAWN)”

Semhar Araia is the Founder and CEO of the Diaspora African Women’s Network (DAWN). With over two decades of public policy and advocacy experience, Semhar is a recognized thought leader, public speaker, and practitioner on diaspora engagement, African affairs, women’s leadership, and international development. She has advised multiple public and private entities, including governments, international organizations, and over 100 African, Asian, European, and Arab diasporas to help drive transformational change across various industries.

  • Interview with Leaders of “Women for Women International”

Women for Women International (WfWI) is a nonprofit that helps female war survivors. The organization has taught skills to 429,000 women in conflict areas since 1993. They help them gain skills, knowledge, and resources for sustainable change.

These leaders make a difference in their fields with their efforts. Their stories are a testament to the power of women leading change in the NGO/NPO sector. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories as we continue to celebrate Women’s Month.

Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

These female leaders are influencing their fields, promoting gender equality, and empowering women. They are role models and mentors for other women and girls who aspire to be leaders and changemakers. They also advocate for marginalized groups, including the poor, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are also key values of All Cause. It sees women as equal partners and stakeholders in development and social change. All Cause also recognizes that women face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and oppression and that these must be addressed and eliminated. It seeks to foster a culture that respects women’s rights, dignity, and potential.

Women’s Achievements in the NGO/NPO Sector

Women have achieved remarkable feats in the NGO/NPO sector. They've launched and executed projects and programs benefiting many marginalized and vulnerable communities. They have also created and supported networks and alliances that have strengthened the collaboration and solidarity among different actors and stakeholders in the NGO/NPO sector. They have also received recognition and awards for their work and vision and have gained respect and trust from their peers and partners.

Notable Female Leaders

The female leaders we have here are some of the many women who have done amazing things in the NGO/NPO sector. Other remarkable female leaders have changed society through their work and vision. Some of them are:

  • Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate and the co-founder of the Malala Fund, an NPO that advocates for girls’ education and empowerment. She survived a Taliban attack when she was 15 years old and became a global icon of courage and resilience. She has inspired millions of people to stand up for their rights and dreams.
  • Wangari Maathai, the first African woman Nobel laureate and Green Belt Movement founder, led environmental and democratic movements in Kenya despite challenges and threats. She has influenced many other environmental movements and leaders around the world.
  • Gloria Steinem, Ms. Magazine and women’s rights NGOs co-founder. She is a feminist icon and leader who has been at the forefront of the women’s movement since the 1960s. She’s addressed issues like reproductive rights, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and racism.

Their Contributions to Society

These female leaders, among others, have enriched society with their work and vision. They have helped many people, especially women and girls, overcome challenges and barriers. They have also raised awareness and action on various issues, such as education, health, the environment, human rights, and peace. They have also inspired and empowered other women and girls to follow their dreams and become leaders and changemakers.

The Importance of Gender Equality

Gender equality benefits the NGO/NPO sector by empowering both sexes. It also boosts the well-being and quality of life of the people and communities that NGOs/NPOs serve. Gender equality also promotes justice, peace, and democracy in society.

How NGOs/NPOs Promote Women’s Empowerment

Women and girls’ empowerment advances society. NGOs/NPOs play a vital role in promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality. They serve and empower women and girls through various programs, advocacy, and participation.

Looking Forward: The Future of Women in NGOs/NPOs

The future of women in NGOs/NPOs is bright and promising. Many opportunities and challenges await them, and they are ready and willing to face them. They are passionate, visionary, and courageous leaders. They also have the support and the solidarity of other women and men who share their values and goals. They are confident and hopeful that they can create a more inclusive and fairer world for all.

Upcoming Projects Led by Women

Logos or representative images of Girl Up Philippines, Amarela Philippines, Pink Lips PH, and Girls Got Game PH

The future of women in NGOs/NPOs is bright and promising. Women-led projects and initiatives aim for social impact. Some of them are:

  • Girl Up Philippines

Girl Up Philippines empowers girls globally.

  • Amarela Philippines

Established in 2019, Amarela Philippines is a non-profit organization and youth-led initiative that advocates for women’s reproductive health, healthcare rights, and sexual education. Among their missions are to help improve the sexual and reproductive healthcare system in the Philippines, have sex education and healthcare accessible, promote women's empowerment and gender inclusivity, and fight against gender-based violence.

  • Pink Lips PH

Another youth-led non-profit organization in the Philippines is Pink Lips PH. Launched in 2020, Pink Lips PH promotes women's empowerment through youth-driven activism. The organization inspires and ignites social change.

  • Girls Got Game PH

Girls Got Game PH, founded by ex-female athletes, empowers girls through sports. They coach girls to develop mental and emotional resilience with female mentors.

Women-led projects are some of many impactful initiatives. Stay tuned for more updates on these exciting projects!

How to Support Women’s Initiatives

There are many ways to support women’s initiatives and projects in the NGO/NPO sector. Here are some of them:

  • Donate to the NGOs/NPOs that support women’s causes and advocacies. Your donation can support their work and outreach.
  • Volunteer for the NGOs/NPOs that support women’s causes and advocacies. You can offer your time, skills, and expertise to help them with their work and vision. You can learn and gain skills from their insights.
  • Spread the word about the NGOs/NPOs that support women’s causes and advocacies. You can spread their stories, successes, and struggles. You can also use social media and other platforms to inform and inspire others.
  • Join the NGOs/NPOs that support women’s causes and advocacies. You can become a member, a partner, or a supporter of their organizations and movements. You can join their events and activities and help them achieve their goals.

Women’s Month celebrates women’s achievements and roles in NGOs/NPOs. It acknowledges female leaders’ role and influence in creating change and impact. It promotes gender equality and women’s empowerment as All Cause’s key values. It looks forward to the future of women in NGOs/NPOs and how to support them.

We hope that this blog has inspired and informed you about the role and importance of women in the NGO/NPO sector. We invite you to join us in celebrating Women’s Month and in supporting women’s causes and advocacies. Together, we can create a more inclusive and fairer world for all.


Female leaders have a pivotal role in driving positive change. We encourage readers to actively support these initiatives, fostering a collaborative effort to create a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

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