Empowering Change: Celebrating Women in NGOs/NPOs and Their Remarkable Contributions

  • Women in NGOs/NPOs possess essential skills like passion, creativity, collaboration, and communication. Their impact extends beyond their respective fields, contributing to societal progress and empowerment.
  • All Cause values gender equality and women’s empowerment as fundamental rights.

Women’s Month honors women’s achievements and contributions in various fields. This blog explores how women in non-profits drive social good and change.


Women in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or non-profit organizations (NPOs) drive initiatives to improve lives and communitiesThey are leaders, experts, advocates, and volunteers who make a difference. They also inspire and empower other women and girls to follow their dreams and goals.


This blog features:

  • Women in NGOs/NPOs: Their stories, achievements, and impact in various fields and sectors.
  • Female leaders and experts: Their insights and advice from working in the NGO/NPO sector for years.
  • All Cause values: Connecting donors and volunteers with NGOs/NPOs, promoting gender equality and women's empowerment.

The Power of Women in the NGO/NPO Sector

Women in NGOs/NPOs have a lot of power and potential to create and lead change in various fields and sectors. They have a lot of skills and qualities that make them effective and successful in their work and impact. Women in NGOs/NPOs showcase remarkable skills and qualities, driving initiatives that lead to significant societal change and women's contributions extend beyond their respective fields. Some of these skills and qualities are:

  • Passion and purpose: Women in NGOs/NPOs have a strong passion for their causes and people. They have a clear vision and mission of what they want to achieve and how they want to make a difference. They work hard and sacrifice their values and beliefs.
  • Creativity and innovation: Women in NGOs/NPOs create and put in place solutions and initiatives for society. They experiment and learn from their results. They adjust to new technologies and opportunities that enhance their work and impact.
  • Collaboration and communication: Women in NGOs/NPOs work with others who share their vision and values, and who can help their work and impact. They excel at building trust with team members, partners, stakeholders, and beneficiaries. They are also able to communicate effectively and persuasively with various audiences and platforms, and to use their voice and influence to advocate and mobilize for change.


Women in NGOs/NPOs have skills and qualities that make them powerful and impactful. They are not only assets and resources for their fields and sectors but also the society.


Celebrating Achievements: Stories of Success

Women excel in various fields and sectors through NGOs/NPOs. Here are some of the examples of women who have made a positive impact through their work in NGOs/NPOs:

  • Fawzia Reza promotes education in developing countries with NGOs.
  • Puja Rawat Sethi’s non-profit provides free education to 500+ needy kids in India.


Many women succeed and shine in NGOs/NPOs. We admire their hard work and excellence.


Contributions to Society: How Women are Making a Difference

Women in NGOs/NPOs excel in their fields and sectors and make a positive impact on society. They are making a difference in various ways, such as:

  • Creating social impact: Women in NGOs/NPOs help and empower society.
  • Advocating for change: Women in NGOs/NPOs raise awareness and influence policies on various issues. They are using their voice and platform to speak up and stand up for the causes they believe in. They also inspire and involve others in their advocacy and movements.
  • Inspiring others: Women in NGOs/NPOs share, motivate, mentor, lead, and collaborate.


These are some of the ways that women in NGOs/NPOs are contributing to society and making a difference. They empower themselves and others.


Interviews with Female Leaders and Experts

Learn from the interviews of women who work and make a difference in NGOs/NPOs. Here are some of the highlights from the interviews:

  • Cristina Jiménez co-founded United We Dream in 2008 and influenced Obama’s 2012 action to protect undocumented immigrants.
  • Anne Wallestad leads BoardSource to champion gender equality and diversity and influences national conversations on harassment prevention.
  • Brittany Packnett, VP of National Community Alliances at Teach for America, has spurred a much more diverse stream of applications to Teach for America from individuals interested in teaching in high-needs, high-poverty schools where students of color are the majority.
  • As VP of Tronox Asia Pacific, Irene Buhrfeindt preserves her femininity and grace in a world ruled by men.
  • Davina Yeo fights bias and leads with empathy as Microsoft Asia Pacific’s Chief of Staff.
  • Anna, Maud, and Sarah from Heineken shatter glass ceilings and challenge gender roles.
  • Farra Siregar, Managing Director of ASEAN at Corteva Agriscience, demonstrates positivity, sacrifice, and resilience in an uncertain world.

We thank them for their time and wisdom and hope they inspire and empower women in the sector.


Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: The Core Values of All Cause

A visual representation (such as an icon or symbol) of gender equality.

We value gender equality and women’s empowerment as human rights and key to our goals. Empowered women can impact their own and others’ lives. When women are equal, they can contribute to the development and progress of society.


We uphold and advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in our values and work. We do this by:

  • Ensuring diversity and inclusion: We make sure our team and partners are diverse and inclusive. We respect and value both our differences and similarities. We cater to our users’ diverse needs and preferences with our platform and programs.
  • Empowering women and girls: We help women and girls by connecting them with NGOs/NPOs that share their interests and values. We also showcase and reward their stories, achievements, and impact.
  • Advocating for gender equality and women’s rights: We champion gender equality and women's rights through education and policy influence. We also mobilize our users and partners to join our movements.


We uphold and advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in our values and work. Join us and our community of difference-makers this Women’s Month and beyond.


This blog features women in NGOs/NPOs who are making an impact in various fields. They share their stories, achievements, and insights as leaders, experts, advocates, and volunteers. They also inspire and empower other women and girls to pursue their dreams and goals. All Cause connects people with gender equality NGOs. We hope this blog motivates you to support and join women in NGOs/NPOs and to make a difference in your way. Learn more on our website and blog, sign up and subscribe, or contact us and share your content.


Thank you for reading this blog and for being part of our community. We look forward to hearing from you and collaborating with you soon. Happy Women’s Month!


Women in NGOs/NPOs are empowering change and creating impact in various fields and sectors, and they deserve to be celebrated and supported for their achievements and contributions. We invite you to join and support the work and impact of women in NGOs/NPOs, to explore and discover their passion and purpose, and to make a difference in their way. 

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