Stand for Equality: Empowering Women in NGOs/NPOs

A visually appealing image representing Women's Month celebration, perhaps featuring diverse women collaborating or celebrating.

  • Women in NGOs/NPOs are agents of change who use their leadership, expertise, and passion to create positive social impact and advocate for causes that matter to them and their communities.
  • Women have been making significant contributions to the NGO/NPO sector for a long time, but they still face challenges and barriers in terms of representation, recognition, and opportunities.
  • Women in NGOs/NPOs have been working on various issues and causes that affect women and girls, such as education, health, violence, discrimination, and poverty.
  • Women in NGOs/NPOs can get involved and support gender equality and women’s empowerment by volunteering, donating, or advocating for issues and causes that affect women and girls in their community or the world.
  • Women’s Month is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in various fields and sectors, especially in the NGO/NPO sector.

March is Women’s Month. It is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women. Women have achievements and contributions in various fields and sectors. Women impact the world with their skills and zeal. They strive for social good and their valued causes.

Women are crucial in the non-governmental organization (NGO) and non-profit organization (NPO) sectors. NGOs and NPOs are independent groups that tackle social problems and needs. They address education, health, environment, rights, and justice.

Women in NGOs/NPOs change lives with their abilities. They cooperate as leaders, experts, helpers, and backers for a goal. They motivate and inspire women and girls to follow their aspirations.

In this blog post, we will celebrate Women’s Month by recognizing the achievements of women in NGOs/NPOs. We feature diverse female leaders and experts who share insights and experiences. We will share how to join and support women’s rights and empowerment in your community.

Celebrating Women’s Month in the NGO/NPO Sector

Women have been making significant contributions to the NGO/NPO sector for a long time. According to a report by the United Nations, women make up about 70% of the workforce in NGOs/NPOs worldwide. They work in different roles and areas of the sector.

Women in NGOs/NPOs work on women’s and girls’ issues. They partner with others to inform and impact policies and practices.

Some of the notable achievements of women in NGOs/NPOs include:

  • NGO/NPO-related Nobel laureates, e.g. Malala Yousafzai, Leymah Gbowee, etc.
  • Influential NGO/NPO founders and leaders, e.g. Melinda Gates, Graça Machel, etc.
  • Impactful NGO/NPO innovators and pioneers, e.g. Ann Cotton, Jacqueline Novogratz, etc.

These are some of the examples of amazing women who have been making a difference in the NGO/NPO sector. Women work in various ways to make the world better.

Interviews with Female Leaders and Experts

We collected interviews with female leaders and experts in NGOs/NPOs. Here are some of the highlights from the interviews:

  • Cristina Jiménez, a founder and leader of United We Dream, shared her journey from Ecuador to the US. She also discussed her role in Obama’s DACA policy for young immigrants.
  • Anne Wallestad, BoardSource’s CEO, talked about women in nonprofit leadership. She also emphasized her work for gender diversity and safety in the sector.
  • Brittany Packnett, a Teach for America VP, discussed her equity work. She also discussed how to keep diverse teachers in challenging schools.
  • Ama Marston, an Oxfam GB consultant, discussed women leaders’ challenges in international NGOs. She also offered some practical tips on how to balance work and life as a female leader.
  • Shalini Agarwal, a JNU professor, studied women leaders in NGOs in India. She also examined how the sector has gained prominence in India since independence.
  • Carly Fiorina, former HP and 2016 leader, faced gender issues in Silicon Valley. She also shared her success story as a female CEO.

The Role of Advocacy in Promoting Gender Equality

Advocacy is backing a cause or change with various methods. Different actors can do advocacy. These actors can be individuals, groups, or organizations. They can use various methods and strategies for advocacy. These methods and strategies include research, communication, education, mobilization, lobbying, campaigning, and litigation.

Advocacy supports gender equality and women’s rights in NGOs and beyond. Advocacy can help to:

  • Inform and influence diverse audiences on women’s and girls’ rights and needs.
  • Work to change policies and practices for women and girls. These include laws, regulations, budgets, programs, and services.
  • Boost the inclusion and voice of diverse and disadvantaged women and girls.
  • Create and fortify the partnerships of diverse and aligned actors for gender justice.

For instance, some effective campaigns for women’s rights are:

  • The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is a UN treaty that protects women’s and girls’ rights and sets gender equality standards. The treaty came into force in 1979 and has 189 signatories, among them the Philippines. An expert panel oversees and guides the state parties.
  • The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is a global plan for women’s rights and equality. It covers 12 areas like education, health, economy, violence, human rights, and environment. The UN and the state parties review and renew it every five years.
  • The Magna Carta of Women is a law that safeguards and advances women’s and girls’ rights in the Philippines. The law came into force in 2009 and follows the standards of CEDAW and the Beijing Platform for Action. The law addresses different areas of women’s lives. The law has two goals. First, it ensures its implementation. Second, it monitors its progress. To achieve these goals, the law creates some mechanisms and institutions. These include the Philippine Commission on Women, the Gender Ombud, and the Gender and Development Budget.

These are some examples of how advocacy helps women’s rights and equality. There are many more stories of women, girls, and their allies fighting for their causes and issues. You can visit these websites to learn more: All Cause PH, UN Women, CARE, and Oxfam.

The Benefits of Blogging for Women in NGOs/NPOs

Blogging shares insights and boosts development for women in NGOs/NPOs. Blogging can bring you many benefits, such as:

  • Improving your writing and communication skills. Blogging needs clear and effective writing and improves communication, confidence, and persuasion.
  • Building your network and reputation. Blogging connects you with like-minded people and builds trust and credibility. You can show your skills. You can show your accomplishments. You can show your character. You can be informative. You can be inspiring.
  • Learning and growing. Blogging can help you learn new things and expand your knowledge and perspective. You can explore topics and issues for you and your audience. You can get feedback and suggestions and use them to improve.
  • Creating opportunities and income. Blogging can help you create opportunities and income for yourself and your organization. You can showcase and monetize your blog with various methods.

If you want to enjoy these benefits and more, you should start blogging today. You don't need to be a professional writer or a technical expert to start a blog. You just need to have a passion for your topic, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to provide value to your audience.

How You Can Get Involved

Join and help women-inspired NGOs/NPOs for women’s rights and empowerment. Here are some of the tips that you can follow:

Supporting Women’s Empowerment in Your Community

  • Volunteer for a local NGO/NPO that works on issues and causes that affect women and girls in your community. You can offer your time, skills, and talents to help with their activities and programs. You can also learn and apply their experiences and best practices.
  • Give to a local or global NGO/NPO that works on women’s and girls’ issues and causes. You can donate your money, goods, or services to help with their work and projects. You can also see the impact and results of your donations on women’s and girls’ lives.
  • Advocate for a local or global issue or cause that affects women and girls in your community or in the world. Use your voice, platform, and influence to inform and act for your issue or cause. You can also join or start a campaign or a movement for women’s and girls’ rights and needs.

Women’s Month has a purpose. It celebrates women’s achievements and contributions. Women work in different fields and sectors. One of them is the NGO/NPO sector. Women’s Month especially celebrates women in this sector. NGO/NPO women lead, create, and advocate for change. They are also role models and inspirations for other women and girls.

Join and support NGO/NPO women by making a difference. You can volunteer, donate, or advocate for issues and causes that affect women and girls. Learn and collaborate with other women and girls on various issues and causes.

Empower NGO/NPO women for equality, Women’s Month, and a better future.


Celebrate Women’s Month by recognizing the achievements of women in NGOs/NPOs and know how you can support gender equality and women’s empowerment. Get involved and make a difference in your community and the world. Be inspired and empower other women and girls who want to pursue their dreams and passions.

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