The State of the Earth: A Comprehensive 2024 Update

A picture of Earth from space

  • The Earth is facing many environmental issues and challenges in 2024, both in the Philippines and globally, such as air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, waste management, global warming, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, and plastic pollution.
  • We can help the Earth by adopting a more sustainable lifestyle and reducing our environmental footprint, by following the four steps of reduce, reuse, recycle, and choose.
  • We can also partner with NGOs and NPOs that work for environmental causes, and benefit from their access, influence, and impact.
  • We should celebrate Earth Month and act for the environment, not only this month but every day.

Earth is our home. It provides us with everything we need to live and thrive. But how well do we take care of it? How healthy is our planet in 2024? What are the global and local environmental problems? And what can we do to help?

The Earth is facing many challenges and threats in 2024, both at the global and local levels. Environmental issues threaten our planet and its life. These issues are not only environmental, but also social, economic, and political. We must act together with urgency.

In this blog, we will explore these questions and more. We will also show you how to adopt a sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle. Plus, we will show you some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are saving the environment. Join us as we celebrate Earth Month and raise awareness about the state of the Earth in 2024.

Understanding the Environmental Issues in the Philippines

Photos depicting air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, and waste management issues in the Philippines.

The Philippines is a beautiful country with rich biodiversity and natural resources. But it also faces high risks from climate and environmental damage. Some of the major environmental issues that the Philippines faces in 2024 are:

  • Air pollution: The World Health Organization (WHO) says the Philippines has very high air pollution from fossil fuels, waste, and biomass. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and premature deaths.  
  • Water pollution: The Philippines has plenty of water, but much of it is dirty from various wastes. Water pollution harms drinking water, aquatic life, and marine ecosystems. 
  • Deforestation: Logging, mining, farming, and cities have halved the Philippines’ forests in 100 years. Deforestation causes soil, water, life, and climate problems. 
  • Waste management: The Philippines makes 40,000 tons of trash daily, but only 30% is managed well. The rest ends up in open dumps, landfills, or waterways. Waste management impacts the environment, health, and society. 

These are some of the environmental issues that the Philippines faces in 2024. Read our blog post to learn more about them.

Global Environmental Challenges

Graphics illustrating global warming, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, and plastic pollution.

The Philippines is not alone in facing environmental challenges. The entire world is experiencing the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Some of the global environmental challenges that we face in 2024 are:

  • Global warming: Greenhouse gases have made Earth’s surface 1.2°C warmer than in the past. Global warming can make weather more severe, like heat, storms, floods, and droughts. It can also affect the melting of ice caps, the rising of sea levels, and the shifting of ecosystems and habitats.  
  • Biodiversity loss: Human actions endanger many of Earth’s living things. Biodiversity loss harms ecosystems and their benefits.
  • Ocean acidification: Oceans take in 30% of human CO2, but this makes seawater more acidic. Ocean acidification harms marine life, especially shell-builders. It can also alter the food webs and biogeochemical cycles of the oceans.  
  • Plastic pollution: The world produces about 300 million tons of plastic per year, but only 9% of it is recycled. The rest ends up in landfills, incinerators, or the environment, especially the oceans. Plastic pollution hurts animals, nature, and people from plastic’s dangers. 

These are some of the global environmental challenges that we face in 2024. To learn more about them, you can read our blog post on Global Environmental Issues: A Guide.

Adopting a Sustainable Lifestyle

Facing these environmental challenges may seem overwhelming, but there is hope. We can all do our part to help the Earth by adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. A sustainable lifestyle satisfies us and future people. It cares for the environment and us. Increasing environmental awareness is crucial. Educate yourself and others through NGOs, webinars, and blogs to stay informed about the planet's current state.

Some of the ways that we can adopt a more sustainable lifestyle are:

  • Reduce: To live sustainably, use less harmful resources and products. We can use less energy, water, paper, and plastic. We can do this by switching off appliances when not in use. We can also take shorter showers, print less, and use reusable bags and bottles. This demonstrates how to reduce your environmental impact. 
  • Reuse: Reuse what you have, don’t buy or toss. Reuse items by giving, trading, fixing, or transforming them. 
  • Recycle: Recycle what you can’t reuse for new products. For example, separate and bring paper, plastic, metal, and glass to recycle. 
  • Choose: Opt for products and services that are good for the planet. For example, buy green products like food, clothes, cosmetics, and items. Pick green options for energy, travel, and tourism. 

Collage of eco-friendly living practices, such as reducing, reusing, recycling, and choosing sustainable products.

These are some of the ways that we can adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. To learn more about them, you can read our blog post on Sustainable Living: A Guide. Embrace sustainability practices in your daily life by reducing, reusing, recycling, and consciously choosing eco-friendly products and services.

Reducing Your Environmental Footprint

Calculate your environmental footprint. An environmental footprint is the land and water needed for our resources and waste. The larger our footprint, the more we contribute to environmental problems. 

Some of the ways that we can reduce our environmental footprint are:

  • Eat less meat: Meat production consumes and pollutes a lot of resources. It needs and pollutes many resources and gases. By eating less meat, or switching to plant-based alternatives, we can reduce our footprint by up to 50%.  
  • Buy less stuff: Consumerism is one of the main drivers of environmental degradation. It causes resource use, waste, and emissions from material cycles. By buying less stuff, or buying only what we need and value, we can reduce our footprint by up to 40%.  
  • Travel less: Traveling, especially by air, emits a lot of carbon. It emits 8% of gases and impacts the local environment and culture. By traveling less, or traveling more responsibly, we can reduce our footprint by up to 30%.  

These are some of the ways that we can reduce our environmental footprint. To learn more about them, you can read our blog post on How to Reduce Your Environmental Footprint.

Partnering with NGOs for a Greener Future

Individual actions matter but can’t fix environmental issues. We need actions and changes from different sectors and stakeholders. NGOs and non-profit organizations (NPOs) working for environmental causes are key actors.

NGOs and NPOs work for the public good without government. They do many things, like advocacy, education, research, innovation, service, and capacity. They have different focus areas and approaches. Some of them are conservation, restoration, justice, empowerment, and resilience.

Some of the benefits of partnering with NGOs and NPOs for a greener future are:

  • Access: NGOs and NPOs help us access and act for the environment. They can offer us many things like learning more about the environment. These things include materials, courses, webinars, newsletters, podcasts, and blogs. They can also give us green things to live sustainably and lower our footprint. They can also link us with others who can help, inspire, and collaborate with us for the environment.
  • Influence: NGOs and NPOs can influence many things that affect the environment. They have a local and global impact on them. Some of these things are policies, practices, and behaviors. They can lobby and advocate for environmental laws, regulations, and standards. These things can protect and restore the environment. They can also watch and report on the environmental performance and compliance of others. They can also campaign and mobilize people for environmental causes and solutions.  
  • Impact: NGOs and NPOs also do projects and programs for the environment. For example, they can conserve natural habitats and ecosystems. They can also restore them. These habitats and ecosystems are vital for biodiversity and ecosystem services. They can also do two things for the communities most affected by environmental problems. Some examples of these problems are the poor, the marginalized, and the Indigenous. They can also show the best practices and models for sustainability and green growth. 

These are some of the benefits of partnering with NGOs and NPOs for a greener future. To learn more about them, you can read our blog post on Partnering for the Planet: The Role of NGOs and NPOs. Stay updated on green resources provided by NGOs, including courses, webinars, newsletters, and podcasts, to enhance your knowledge and contribute to a sustainable future.

The state of the Earth in 2024 is not very promising. Environmental issues and challenges endanger our planet and future. We also have many ways and means to tackle these challenges and build a more sustainable future. One of them is to live more sustainably and reduce our environmental impact. Another one is to partner with NGOs and NPOs that work for environmental causes. By doing so, we can not only help the Earth, but also ourselves and others. 

As we celebrate Earth Month, let us remember that the Earth is our home, and we are its caretakers. Let us act for the environment, not only this month but every day. Let us join forces with NGOs and NPOs and support their work and mission. Let us make 2024 the year of change and hope for the Earth. 

Thank you for reading this blog. We hope you enjoyed it and learned something from it. If you did, please share it with your friends and family, and leave us a comment below. We would love to hear from you. And don't forget to check out our other blogs and resources on our website. Happy Earth Month!

Inspiring image representing a positive change for the Earth, such as people working together or a thriving natural ecosystem.


Act for the environment by adopting a more sustainable lifestyle and partnering with NGOs and NPOs. Let’s celebrate Earth Month and encourage the readers to join the environmental movement.

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