Empowering Voices: Women in NGOs/NPOs Share Their Experiences

  • March is Women's Month, celebrating women's achievements and addressing issues like violence, poverty, health, and education. The theme "#InspireInclusion" emphasizes appreciating and embracing women's inclusion.
  • Women in NGOs/NPOs are more than beneficiaries; they are active social agents contributing views, skills, and experiences. Their achievements include providing education, health, livelihood, legal aid, and fighting for women's rights. They play a key role in shaping policies, laws, and innovations for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
  • Gender equality ensures equal access, representation, and recognition within NGOs/NPOs. It improves the quality and diversity of staff, enhances program relevance, expands outreach, and boosts innovation.
  • Women in NGOs/NPOs face 21st-century challenges, embrace diversity, leverage technology, and share support globally.
  • Women in NGOs/NPOs are powerful voices, contributing to positive societal change and promoting gender equality.

This blog celebrates Women’s Month by featuring women in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or non-profit organizations (NPOs). They face challenges and opportunities and make positive changes in the world. They share their stories, views, and tips on women’s roles and rights in NGOs/NPOs.

A vibrant Women’s Month celebration event


I. Celebrating Women’s Month

II. The Role of Women in NGO NGOs/NPOs

A. Achievements and Contributions

B. Promoting Gender Equality

III. Interviews with Female Leaders

A. Manju Singh: Advocacy and Impact

B. Dr. Prema Dhanraj: Leading with Purpose

IV. The Future of Women in NGOs/NPOs

Celebrating Women’s Month

Women’s Month celebrates women’s role and achievements in society. It also raises and acts on women’s issues like violence, poverty, health, education, etc.

March is Women’s Month worldwide. The theme this year is “#InspireInclusion”. It urges others to appreciate women’s inclusion and women to embrace it. When we value difference, inclusion comes from the heart. Together, we can forge a better world for everyone.

Support and join women-focused NGOs/NPOs to celebrate Women’s Month. Many NGOs/NPOs in and outside the Philippines work on different women’s issues, such as:

  • Women’s health and reproductive rights
  • Women’s education and literacy
  • Women’s economic and political empowerment
  • Women’s leadership and participation
  • Women’s peace and security
  • Women’s environmental and climate justice
  • Women’s cultural and artistic expression
  • Women’s diversity and inclusion

Visit their online platforms to join or support these NGOs/NPOs. Donate, volunteer, or advocate for women and girls. Help create a fairer and more diverse world.

The Role of Women in NGO NGOs/NPOs

Women are key in NGOs/NPOs. Female leaders in NGOs/NPOs play a pivotal role, in shaping policies, driving innovations, and inspiring change in their communities. They are more than beneficiaries; they are also social cause agents. They add their views, skills, and experiences.

Achievements and Contributions

Women in NGOs/NPOs have made many achievements and contributions. Highlighting women’s achievements in NGOs/NPOs is essential to recognize their impactful contributions and inspire others to follow suit. Some are:

  • They helped many, especially women and girls, with their programs and services. They gave them education, health, livelihood, legal aid, counseling, etc.
  • They fought for women and girls, and other oppressed groups. They raised and acted on their issues, like violence, discrimination, poverty, etc.
  • They shaped policies and laws for gender equality and women’s empowerment. They worked with various sectors to make women’s voices and needs count.
  • They innovated and adapted to their communities and the world. They used technology and social media to reach more people. They also made new and creative solutions and opportunities.
  • They inspired and empowered women and girls to join and lead the NGO/NPO sector. They mentored and supported the next female leaders and changemakers. They also networked with other women and groups to advance their cause.

Promoting Gender Equality

Gender equality is equal rights, duties, and chances for all. It is a human right and a goal.

Gender equality matters for NGOs/NPOs because:

  • Women and men have equal access and participation in the work of NGOs/NPOs. They can offer their abilities and ideas to the cause, and gain from the NGO/NPO support.
  • Women and men have equal representation and leadership in the NGO/NPO sector. They can decide and shape policies and laws for the cause, society, and world.
  • Women and men have equal recognition and appreciation for their work in the NGO/NPO sector. They can get fair pay, support, and praise for their work, and honor their successes and efforts.

Gender equality makes NGOs/NPOs fair, good, strong, and effective. Studies prove it improves NGO/NPO work and outcomes, such as:

  • Increasing the quality and diversity of the staff and volunteers.
  • Enhancing the relevance and responsiveness of the programs and services.
  • Expanding the reach and engagement of the beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Improving the accountability and transparency of the operations and finances.
  • Boosting the innovation and creativity of the solutions and opportunities.

Gender equality in NGOs/NPOs needs everyone’s involvement, such as:

  • The NGO/NPO leaders and managers, who can lead, resource, and support gender equality.
  • The NGO/NPO staff and volunteers, who can execute, track, and improve gender equality.
  • The NGO/NPO beneficiaries and stakeholders can join, gain, and promote gender equality.

NGOs/NPOs need global action for gender equality.

  • The government can regulate, fund, and incentivize gender equality.
  • The private sector can partner with NGOs/NPOs and offer gender equality solutions.
  • The media can report, communicate, and educate on gender equality issues.
  • The public can support and join NGOs/NPOs and donate and volunteer for gender equality.

Interviews with Female Leaders

We are highlighting two women NGO/NPO leaders here. Their testimonials shed light on the challenges they've overcome, inspiring a new generation of women to step forward and make a difference in NGOs/NPOs. They are:

  • Manju Singh leads Guria, an NGO that saves and helps trafficked and abused girls. She rescued over 5,500 girls from slavery and prostitution. She also provides legal and financial help to the girls she has rescued. Risking her safety, Manju fights trafficking with courage.
  • Dr. Prema Dhanraj leads Agni Raksha, an NGO that heals and rebuilds burned women. Dr. Prema herself was a burn victim who faced discrimination and abuse. She decided to dedicate her life to helping other women in similar situations. Dr. Prema is a leading plastic surgeon who specializes in burn care.

These women work for equity in NGOs/NPOs. They overcame challenges and made an impact. They motivate other women. These female leaders make a significant social impact by addressing pressing issues like trafficking, abuse, and burns, leaving a lasting positive change.

Manju Singh: Advocacy and Impact

Manju Singh runs Guria, an NGO that rescues and helps trafficked and abused girls. She saved over 5,500 girls from slavery and prostitution. She gives them legal and financial aid. She bravely fights trafficking despite the risks.

Manju grew up poor and abused. She saw girls in her village sold or forced into prostitution. She felt angry and helpless but also resolved to help. She devoted her life to helping other girls in the same situation.

She joined an NGO for women and education but saw they ignored the sex-trafficked girls. She started her own NGO, Guria, with her husband Ajeet Singh, who shared her vision and passion. They formed a volunteer team that freed girls from sex slavery.

Guria works in four areas: rescue, legal, policy, and rehab. Guria liberates girls from sex slavery and catches traffickers. They assist the girls with law, therapy, and health.

Guria spreads awareness and pushes for better laws against trafficking. They also work with other NGOs and groups on similar issues.

Guria helps rescued girls with dignity, education, skills, jobs, and social support. They teach them tailoring or beauty and honor them with events.

Guria is a top anti-trafficking NGO in India with many awards and donors.

Manju Singh motivates many women who want to change society through their work. She encourages women to pursue their passions in NGOs/NPOs or elsewhere.

Dr. Prema Dhanraj: Leading with Purpose

Dr. Prema Dhanraj runs Agni Raksha, an NGO that helps burn women. She was a burn victim who faced abuse and bias. She chose to help other women like her.

Dr. Prema’s story started when she was eight. She suffered a severe burn from a fire in her kitchen that altered her life. The surgeon rebuilt her face after a burn on half of her body. Her mother prayed: “If you heal my child, I will give her to your service.” Prema had many surgeries and survived.

She became a top plastic surgeon and burn expert in India and abroad.

Agni Raksha, by Dr. Prema, heals and rebuilds burned women. They guide and support them to live well. They have many awards and donors.

Dr. Prema’s story shows the power of resilience and will. She beat challenges and inspired others with her strength. She is a role model for women in NGOs/NPOs or any field.

For more, check their web or social.

The Future of Women in NGOs/NPOs

Women in NGOs/NPOs have a bright and promising future. They have proven their potential and power in the NGO/NPO sector and will keep doing so.

Some trends and opportunities for women in NGOs/NPOs are:

  • NGOs/NPOs address 21st-century challenges like poverty, climate, health, education, etc.
  • Women in NGOs/NPOs are diverse and inclusive, with unique perspectives and experiences.
  • Technology and innovation in NGOs/NPOs improve their efficiency, effectiveness, and impact.
  • Women in NGOs/NPOs share and support across borders.

Women in NGOs/NPOs will meet new chances, issues, and dangers. They will adjust to their work and stakeholders.

Women in NGOs/NPOs are powerful voices that we should honor and cheer. They improved society and the world with their work and achievements. They beat challenges and showed strength and passion. They helped women and girls and promoted gender equality in NGOs/NPOs.

This blog features two female leaders who make a difference in their fields and sectors. We learned their stories, challenges, and successes in their work. We also got their tips and views on how to start and lead an NGO/NPO. Their stories show how NGOs/NPOs can make the world better.

We thank them for their stories and work in the NGO/NPO sector. We also thank you for reading this blog, and for your support and interest in the NGO/NPO sector. This blog was fun and informative. Celebrate Women’s Month!

Please leave your comments, questions, or feedback below. We would love your input. Thank you and happy Women’s Month!


Celebrate and appreciate the role of women in NGOs/NPOs, who are empowering voices and agents of change in society and the world.

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