Take Action: Your Guide to Supporting Environmental NGOs/NPOs

  • Earth Month is a time to celebrate our planet and raise awareness about the environmental issues and challenges facing the Philippines and the world.
  • We can support environmental NGOs/NPOs by adopting a sustainable lifestyle and reducing our environmental footprint, and by partnering with them in their work and mission through volunteering, donating, and advocating.
  • We can access free resources to help us act and support environmental NGOs/NPOs and also receive discounts and incentives from our partner NGOs/NPOs.
  • By supporting environmental NGOs/NPOs, we can make a positive difference in the world and help create and sustain a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Earth Month in April celebrates our planet and its environmental challenges. These challenges affect our health, wealth, and future.

But we can change things. We can adopt a greener lifestyle and reduce our impact on the environment. Environmental NGOs/NPOs safeguard and restore nature. They do environmental work and need our support to keep going.

In this blog, we will give you some tips and best practices to help environmental NGOs/NPOs. We will introduce you to some environmental NGOs/NPOs offering discounts, incentives, or free resources. Let’s act for a sustainable future.

Understanding the Environmental Challenges

To support environmental NGOs/NPOs, we must know the environmental problems they solve. These are some of the main problems for the Philippines and the world:

  • Climate change: Climate change is when greenhouse gases change Earth’s weather. It makes weather worse like heat, dryness, floods, storms, and typhoons. It can change the sea, glaciers, reefs, and animals. Understand the far-reaching consequences of climate change, impacting health, food, water, and economies, as we collectively address these challenges for a sustainable future.
  • Biodiversity loss: Human actions cause the Earth’s life variety and quantity to decline. It lowers nature’s benefits. These benefits include pollination, pest control, water cleaning, soil making, and carbon storage. It can also threaten the survival of many species, including endangered ones.  
  • Air pollution: Air pollution is bad stuff in the air from different places. It harms health and life, especially for lung and heart patients. It also hurts the environment, like crops, forests, and monuments.
  • Water scarcity: This is the lack of accessible water to meet the needs of people and the environment. Water scarcity results from physical factors like climate, drought, and groundwater loss. Human factors like population, urbanization, farming, industry, and bad management also cause it. Water scarcity can lead to conflicts, poverty, hunger, disease, and environmental degradation.    

These are some of the environmental challenges that we face today. There are more issues like waste, land, ocean, and justice. To learn more, see our blog post on Understanding the Environmental Challenges Facing the Philippines: A Guide to Sustainable Living.

The Role of NGOs/NPOs in Environmental Advocacy

As we have seen, our environmental challenges are complex and urgent. They need all sectors of society. These sectors include government, private, academia, media, and civil. They must act and cooperate. Among these, the role of NGOs/NPOs is crucial and indispensable.

NGOs/NPOs are non-governmental and non-profit groups that work for a cause or interest. They are often driven by values, principles, and passion. They are independent, diverse, and innovative. They can organize, shape, increase, teach, study, and execute. They can also collaborate with other stakeholders such as local, indigenous, women, youth, and marginalized groups.

NGOs/NPOs are key in environmental advocacy and solving environmental problems. They can:

  • Track and report on the state of the environment and the impacts of human activities.
  • Protect the environment and people’s rights.
  • Campaign for the adoption and implementation of environmental laws, policies, and standards.
  • Lobby for the allocation and accountability of environmental funds and resources.
  • Educate and empower the public and the stakeholders on environmental issues and solutions.
  • Conduct and disseminate scientific and social research on environmental topics.
  • Execute and assess ecological initiatives and schemes in the field.
  • Provide technical and financial help to local communities and groups.
  • Build networks and partnerships with other NGOs/NPOs and stakeholders.
  • Innovate and experiment with ideas and approaches to environmental problems.

These are some of the ways that NGOs/NPOs contribute to environmental advocacy. They are often the voice of the voiceless, the watchdogs of the powerful, and the catalysts of change. They need our support to continue their work and amplify their impact.

Adopting a Sustainable Lifestyle

To help environmental NGOs/NPOs, we can live sustainably. This means reducing our environmental harm and increasing our social benefits. It is a lifestyle that respects the limits and the needs of the planet and the people. It is a lifestyle that balances our present and future well-being.  

Embrace green living practices to minimize your environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable lifestyle that respects the planet's limits and needs. This helps save the environment and its resources for us and future generations. It also eases the burden on environmental NGOs/NPOs.

But how can we adopt a sustainable lifestyle? Here are some tips and best practices that we can follow:

  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle: These are the three Rs of waste management. They can help us reduce the amount of waste that we generate and dispose of. We can use less disposable items like plastic bags, bottles, and straws. We can reuse items that can still serve a purpose, such as jars, boxes, and clothes. Recycling items like paper, metal, and glass can make new products. Composting organic waste makes natural plant fertilizer. 
  • Save energy and water: These are the two essential resources that we need for our daily activities. They are also the two resources that are often scarce and polluted. We can save energy and water by using them efficiently and wisely. We can turn off and unplug appliances and devices when not in use. We can use renewable and efficient energy like solar, wind, and hydro. We can use low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets. We can fix leaks and drips. We can collect rainwater and reuse greywater. We can also avoid wasting food and water.    
  • Choose green transportation: This is the way that we move from one place to another. It affects the environment, air quality, and climate. Green transport has low or no emissions. Walking and biking are examples of green transport. Public transit and carpooling are also examples of green transport. Electric vehicles are another example of green transport. We can also travel less by working from home and using online platforms for daily transactions. Planting trees, supporting renewable energy, or buying carbon credits offsets our carbon emissions. 
  • Consume nutritious and local food: This is the way that we nourish our bodies and our minds. It affects the environment, land, water, and biodiversity. Eating healthy and local means choosing nutritious, organic, and plant-based foods. We can avoid foods that are processed, packaged, and imported. We can also back local farmers and producers, who make food sustainably and ethically. We can also grow our food by creating a garden or a window farm.
  • Shop smart and ethical: This is the way that we buy and use products and services. It affects the environment, resources, waste, and pollution. Choosing products and services that are green, lasting, and fair is wise and moral. We can avoid products and services that are harmful, disposable, and exploitative. We can also support businesses and brands that are green, social, and responsible. We can also buy less and share more by borrowing, renting, swapping, or donating items that we do not need or use.

These are some of the tips and best practices that we can follow to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. To learn more about this topic, you can visit our blog post on Embracing Sustainable Living: A Comprehensive Guide and Best Practices.

Tips for Reducing Your Environmental Footprint

Your environmental footprint shows how your lifestyle and actions impact the environment. It counts the natural resources you use and the greenhouse gases you release. To actively contribute to reducing environmental impact, consider adopting sustainable practices to lower your environmental footprint, benefiting both the planet and your finances.

unplugging electronics

Here are some simple and helpful tips to lower your environmental footprint:

  • Unplug electronics when not in use. Even if your appliances are powered off, they still consume energy as long as they’re plugged in. This “vampire power” costs more than $19 billion in the US alone. Use power strips, timers, or smart plugs to auto-shut or remotely control your devices.
  • Choose LED light bulbs. LED bulbs use up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last up to 25 times longer. They also produce less heat, which can reduce your cooling costs. Use natural light, dimmers, and motion sensors for better lighting.

These are some of the tips for reducing your environmental footprint.

Partnering with NGOs/NPOs

Another way that we can support environmental NGOs/NPOs is by partnering with them. Partnering with NGOs/NPOs means collaborating with them in their work and mission. It means joining their efforts and contributing our skills, time, money, or voice. It means becoming part of their community and network. It means sharing their vision and values.

Partnering with NGOs/NPOs can benefit us in many ways. It can:

  • Increase our knowledge and awareness of environmental issues and solutions.
  • Enhance our skills and abilities in environmental advocacy and action.
  • Expand our network and connections with like-minded people and organizations.
  • Enrich our personal and professional development and growth.
  • Inspire us to make a positive difference in the world.

But how can we partner with NGOs/NPOs? Here are some ways that we can do so:

  • Volunteer: This is one of the most common and rewarding ways to partner with NGOs/NPOs. Volunteering means helping NGOs/NPOs with our time and service. We can volunteer in various ways, such as:
    • Joining environmental events and campaigns, like clean-ups, tree plantings, rallies, and workshops.
    • Assisting in environmental education and outreach, such as teaching, mentoring, and speaking.
    • Supporting environmental research and monitoring, such as collecting, analyzing, and reporting data.
    • Providing environmental technical and professional expertise, such as engineering, design, and law.
    • Helping in environmental administration and management, such as fundraising, accounting, and marketing.
  • Donate: This is another common and rewarding way to partner with NGOs/NPOs. Donating means giving our money or resources to support NGOs/NPOs in their work and mission. We can donate in several ways, such as:
    • Making a one-time or recurring donation to an NGO/NPO of our choice.
    • Sponsoring a specific environmental project or program of an NGO/NPO.
    • Joining a membership or subscription program of an NGO/NPO.
    • Buying a product or service from an NGO/NPO or its partner.
    • Giving a gift or a legacy to an NGO/NPO or its beneficiary.
  • Advocate: This is another common and rewarding way to partner with NGOs/NPOs. Advocating means speaking and acting for NGOs/NPOs’ causes and interests. We can advocate in many ways, such as:
    • Signing and sharing petitions and letters to demand environmental action and justice.
    • Urging environmental policy and reform to our representatives and officials.
    • Drafting articles and blogs on environmental issues and solutions.
    • Inspiring and motivating the public to take environmental action through videos and podcasts.
    • Discussing and debating environmental topics and challenges in webinars and forums.

To learn more about advocating, you can visit our blog post on Stand for Equality: Empowering Women in NGOs/NPOs.

Free Resources for Taking Action

As you can see, there are many ways that we can partner with NGOs/NPOs to support their work and mission. Finding, starting, and sustaining a partnership with an NGO/NPO can be hard sometimes. That is why we have created some free resources for you to help you take action.

These resources include:

  • A list of global and Philippine environmental NGOs/NPOs with their contact, website, social media, and focus areas.
  • A guide on how to choose the right NGO/NPO to partner with, based on your interests, skills, goals, and values.
  • NGO/NPO partnership guide: tips for communication, coordination, and evaluation.
  • NGO/NPO partnership toolkit: templates, tools, and best practices for implementation and management.
  • NGO/NPO partnership award: a thank-you and recognition for your work.

You can access these resources by visiting our website.

We hope that this blog has inspired you to act and support environmental NGOs/NPOs. Actively contribute to conservation efforts by partnering with NGOs/NPOs, collectively making a positive impact on environmental issues. We can help protect and conserve the environment and its resources. We can help address and solve the environmental challenges that we face. Let’s build and maintain a sustainable future for all.

Raise Earth Month awareness by joining us in supporting environmental NGOs/NPOs, collectively working towards a sustainable future. Together, we can make it happen. Together, we can make it better. Together, we can make it green. 🌱


This comprehensive blog explores the significance of Earth Month, addressing global environmental challenges and emphasizing the crucial role of NGOs/NPOs in advocacy and action. The narrative guides readers on understanding issues like climate change and biodiversity loss, advocating for sustainable living practices, and actively partnering with environmental organizations. Practical tips for reducing individual environmental footprints are provided, along with free resources to facilitate collaboration. The blog concludes with a call to celebrate Earth Month by supporting NGOs/NPOs, encouraging readers to collectively contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

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