Women Volunteers: The Driving Force Behind NGOs/NPOs

  • Women volunteers are the backbone of many NGOs/NPOs around the world. They work in various fields and sectors, such as education, health, environment, human rights, and more.
  • Women volunteers contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a set of 17 global goals that aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all.
  • Women volunteers are not only helpers, but also leaders, innovators, and advocates. They provide essential services, enhance skills and knowledge, raise awareness and influence policies, and bring new ideas and solutions to the challenges and opportunities that NGOs/NPOs face.
  • Women volunteers inspire and empower other women to join them in their noble causes. They also promote gender equality and women’s empowerment as key values of All Cause, an organization that connects volunteers with NGOs/NPOs.
  • Women volunteers deserve recognition and support for their work and impact. One of the ways to celebrate Women’s Month is to acknowledge and appreciate the role of women volunteers in NGOs/NPOs.

Women volunteers are the backbone of many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or non-profit organizations (NPOs) around the world, making a significant social impact. They contribute to various fields and sectors with their time, skills, and passion. They are not only helpers, but also leaders, innovators, and advocates.

This blog is about women volunteers. They work in the NGO/NPO sector. We will celebrate their achievements and contributions. We will showcase conversations with women from different sectors and professions. We will uphold gender equality and women’s empowerment as All Cause’s values.

Celebrating Women’s Month

March is Women’s Month, a time to honor and appreciate the role of women in society. This is also a time for awareness and action. Women face many issues and challenges. Some of them are discrimination, violence, poverty, and lack of opportunities.

An illustration or photo representing Women’s Month celebration, such as women gathering, sharing experiences, or participating in events.

One of the ways to celebrate Women’s Month is to recognize and support the work of women volunteers in NGOs/NPOs. These women impact others’ lives, especially the marginalized, oppressed, and vulnerable. They are also inspiring and empowering other women to join them in their noble causes.

The Role of Women in NGOs/NPOs

Women play a vital role in the development and sustainability of NGOs/NPOs. The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) report says women are 57% of global volunteers. They help achieve the SDGs’ 17 goals for a better world.

Some of the roles that women volunteers perform in NGOs/NPOs are:

  • Service delivery: Women volunteers serve NGO/NPO beneficiaries with essential services. They understand the needs and preferences of their clients, especially women and girls. They also build trust and rapport with the communities they work with.
  • Capacity building: Women volunteers are skillful and knowledgeable. They share their skills and knowledge with others. They help the staff and members of NGOs/NPOs. They also help the beneficiaries and stakeholders. They offer training, mentoring, coaching, and guidance on various topics and issues. They also share their experiences and best practices with others.
  • Advocacy: Women volunteers inform and influence NGO/NPO policies and decisions. They lobby, campaign, mobilize, and network with different actors and institutions. They also amplify the voices and stories of the people they represent and support.
  • Innovation: Women volunteers innovate and solve NGO/NPO challenges and opportunities. They improve NGO/NPO work with creativity, resourcefulness, and initiative. They also embrace and adapt to the changes and trends in the sector.

A collage showcasing women volunteers in different roles - providing services, conducting training, advocating, and innovating.

Interviews with Female Leaders

We have here interviews with female leaders and experts from various fields on women’s role in NGOs/NPOs. Here are some excerpts from their interviews:

  • Interview with Manju Singh, Founder of “Guria”
    • Manju Singh founded “Guria” and freed over 5,500 girls from slavery and trafficking. Guria shut down many illegal brothels and jailed traffickers and brothel owners.
  • Conversation with Dr. Prema Dhanraj, Health Expert at “Agni Raksha”
    • Prema Dhanraj is a top plastic surgeon. She helps many women with severe burns. Her NGO, Agni Raksha, gives free care and surgeries to women.
  • Discussion with Cristina Jiménez, Executive Director & Co-Founder, United We Dream
    • Cristina Jiménez, United We Dream co-founder, influenced policies for young undocumented immigrants. She has been named one of the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s 40 Under 40 and is a 2017 MacArthur Fellow.

These interviews underscore the significant contributions of women volunteers in NGOs/NPOs. Their stories show their resilience, dedication, and community impact. As we celebrate Women’s Month, let’s honor these unsung heroes who are making the world a better place. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories in our next post! 😊

Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

One of the core values of All Cause is gender equality and women’s empowerment. We believe that women and men should be equal and powerful in communities and society.

We promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in our work by:

  • Ensuring gender balance and diversity in our team and network: We aim for gender balance and inclusion in our team and network. We value and honor our diversity.
  • Integrating gender mainstreaming and sensitivity in our programs and projects: Our programs and projects are gender-responsive and relevant. They avoid gender stereotypes, biases, or discrimination.
  • Supporting women-led and women-focused NGOs/NPOs: We work with NGOs/NPOs that have women leaders or that address women’s rights and problems. We help them improve their work and impact with resources, opportunities, and platforms. We also amplify their voices and stories to inspire and influence others.

Challenges and Opportunities for Women Volunteers

NGOs/NPOs benefit from women volunteers, who face barriers to their participation. Some of these challenges are:

  • Lack of recognition and support: Women volunteers lack recognition, appreciation, and resources for their work and impact.
  • Gender discrimination and stereotypes: Women volunteers often encounter gender discrimination and stereotypes in their work and society. Gender-based discrimination and norms limit their roles, opportunities, and development.
  • Work-life balance and well-being: Women volunteers juggle work and life, facing stress and health issues.

Women volunteers face many challenges. Yet, they also have some opportunities and advantages. These can help them overcome obstacles. They can also enhance their work and impact. Some of these opportunities are:

  • Networking and mentoring: Networking and mentoring benefit women volunteers in their field and sector. They can exchange information, advice, feedback, and support with each other. They can learn from others and get new skills and knowledge.
  • Leadership and empowerment: Women volunteers can show leadership and empowerment in their work. They can take initiative, make decisions, solve problems, and manage projects and teams. They can motivate and enable other women and girls to emulate them and achieve their dreams.
  • Personal and professional growth: Women volunteers can achieve personal and professional growth through their work. They can discover and explore their passions, interests, and talents. They can also improve their confidence, self-esteem, and resilience. They can improve their employability and career by getting experience, qualifications, and recognition.

Tips and Advice for Women Volunteers

For women volunteers or aspirants, here are some tips to excel in your work:

  • Choose a cause and organization that you are passionate about: You enjoy and benefit more from volunteering when you care about the NGO/NPO’s cause and mission. You will also be more motivated and committed to your work and goals. Research causes and organizations that match your values and interests.
  • Seek and offer support and guidance: Volunteering can be challenging and demanding, but you do not have to do it alone. Seek and offer support and guidance to other women in your field and sector. Join or create groups that can give you information, advice, feedback, and resources. You can also find or become a mentor or mentee to someone who can help you grow and learn.
  • Take care of yourself and your well-being: Volunteering can be hard, but your health and well-being matter. Maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Eat well, sleep well, exercise, relax, and have fun. You can also seek professional help or counseling if you need it.
  • Celebrate your achievements and contributions: Volunteering is rewarding and fulfilling but be proud of your work and impact. Celebrate your achievements and contributions by acknowledging and appreciating your efforts and results. You can share your stories and experiences and inspire and influence others. You can also seek recognition and appreciation from your organization and society.

Women volunteers are the driving force behind NGOs/NPOs. They are the unsung heroes who make a positive difference in the world. They are not only helpers, but also leaders, innovators, and advocates. They are not only beneficiaries but also agents of change.

We hope that this blog has inspired and motivated you to join us in celebrating Women’s Month. We also hope that this blog has encouraged and empowered you to volunteer for NGOs/NPOs. Visit our website and join our newsletter to volunteer for NGOs/NPOs. We will match you with the best opportunities and organizations.

Thank you for reading and happy Women’s Month!


Women volunteers are the driving force behind NGOs/NPOs, as they work in various fields and sectors, contribute to the SDGs, lead, innovate, and advocate for their causes, inspire and empower other women, and promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. Let us celebrate Women’s Month and we invite the readers to join All Cause and connect with volunteers and NGOs/NPOs.

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