Empowered Women, Empower Women: Unveiling Transformation Stories in NGOs/NPOs

  • Empowered women are women who have the power and confidence to make their own choices and pursue their own goals and who also empower other women by sharing their knowledge, experience, and support.
  • Women’s Month is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in various fields and sectors and to raise awareness and action on the issues and challenges that women face, such as discrimination, violence, poverty, and lack of opportunities.
  • Women play a crucial and significant role in the NGO/NPO sector, where they are the leaders, the experts, the workers, the volunteers, the beneficiaries, the partners, and the stakeholders who dedicate their time, energy, and resources to the causes and missions that they believe in and care about.
  • Women in NGOs/NPOs have achieved and contributed a lot in various fields and sectors, such as education, health, environment, human rights, peace and security, and more, and have also promoted gender equality and women’s empowerment in their work.
  • Empowered women in NGOs/NPOs have a positive and lasting impact on society and the world and have contributed to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which are the global agenda for ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring peace and prosperity for all by 2030.

This blog honors women in the non-governmental organization (NGO) or non-profit organization (NPO) sector who use their skills to help people and the planet. They promote and encourage women’s rights and power. They also influence social issues and change.


I. Celebrating Women’s Month

II. The Role of Women in NGOs/NPOs

A. Achievements and Contributions

B. Promoting Gender Equality

III. Interviews with Female Leaders

A. Expert Insights

B. Stories of Empowerment

IV. The Impact of Empowered Women

Celebrating Women’s Month

March is Women’s Month, honoring women’s role in society. It celebrates and supports women.

Empowered Women, Empower Women” is one of the themes of Women’s Month, emphasizing the advocacy work of women in NGOs/NPOs for gender equality and social change. Women in NGOs/NPOs work and inspire together. They help the disadvantaged and their rights. This theme reflects their teamwork and drive. Women in NGOs/NPOs run and track projects for their beneficiaries. They also advocate and influence people’s interests and choices.

The Role of Women in NGOs/NPOs

Women are vital and influential in the NGO/NPO sector, which impacts society and the world. Women in NGOs/NPOs are active and engaged in projects that improve the world. This section highlights their impact and how they empower women.

Achievements and Contributions

Women in NGOs/NPOs have achieved and contributed a lot. They have worked in various fields and sectors. Some fields and sectors are education, health, environment, rights, peace, etc.

Some examples of the achievements and contributions of women in NGOs/NPOs are:

  • Education: Women in NGOs/NPOs have improved education. They have helped children and youth, especially girls. These girls lack or lose their education rights. Women in NGOs/NPOs have also been given scholarships, mentoring, and training. They have helped women and girls boost their skills and potential. For instance, Room to Read is an NGO. It works with governments and communities to build schools and libraries. It trains teachers and provides scholarships for girls. It has helped over 10 million children gain access to education. It has awarded scholarships to many poor female students. It has trained many female teachers and mentors. They have helped thousands of students achieve their academic goals.
A visual representation of educational activities supported by NGOs/NPOs, such as a classroom setting or students participating in learning programs.
  • Health: Women in NGOs/NPOs have enhanced the health and well-being of women and children. These women and children face diseases and malnutrition. Women in NGOs/NPOs offer health services to millions in remote and underserved areas. These health services include immunization, prenatal care, family planning, and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. They also raise health awareness and advocate for women’s and children’s rights and needs. They do this in health policies and programs. For example, CARE India is a top trusted NGO in India. It works for women’s empowerment, health, and child education. It does this in rural areas where it enables many female health workers and volunteers. These health workers and volunteers have provided vital health care for many women and children in India.
A photo illustrating healthcare services being provided by women in NGOs/NPOs, such as vaccination, prenatal care, or health awareness programs
  • Environment: Women in NGOs/NPOs protect and restore the environment, which is vital for all living beings. Women in NGOs/NPOs have engaged in environmental conservation. They have done this by planting trees, cleaning rivers, and recycling waste. They do this to prevent and reduce climate change, pollution, and natural disasters. Women in NGOs/NPOs have also empowered and supported the communities of women and Indigenous people. They depend on the environment for their livelihoods and culture. For example, Greenpeace Philippines is a branch of the global organization Greenpeace. It campaigns for environmental preservation. It does this through behavioral change and peace-keeping. It has mobilized many female activists and leaders to deliver life-saving health care. They have done this to countless women and children across the Philippines.

An image reflecting environmental conservation activities, like tree planting or community clean-up, carried out by women in NGOs/NPOs.

Promoting Gender Equality

Women in NGOs/NPOs have also promoted gender equality. Gender equality is the equal rights, opportunities, and responsibilities of women and men. It applies to all aspects of life. Gender equality is a human right and a key to sustainable development. Women in NGOs/NPOs have advocated for gender equality in various ways, such as:

  • Empowering women and girls: Women in NGOs/NPOs have empowered women and girls. They have provided them with the resources, skills, and confidence. They have helped them overcome the barriers and challenges that they face. Some barriers and challenges are poverty, violence, discrimination, and education. They have also given them a voice in the decisions and actions that affect them. For example, Girl Up Philippines is a chapter of the United Nations Foundation’s campaign. It has been empowering girls everywhere by providing them with a platform. It has made a world where they have equal chances and rights. They have reached many women and girls and have helped them improve their income, health, education, and leadership.
A visual representation of empowerment initiatives, such as skill-building workshops or women participating in decision-making processes.
  • Challenging stereotypes and norms: Women in NGOs/NPOs have challenged the stereotypes and norms. These stereotypes and norms limit the roles and potentials of women and men. They also create inequality and injustice. Women in NGOs/NPOs have raised awareness and education. They have focused on the diversity and value of women and men. They have encouraged the respect and appreciation of their differences and similarities. Women in NGOs/NPOs have also promoted the sharing and balance of work and care between women and men both at home and at work. For example, the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) is an international organization. It works to achieve gender equality and women’s human rights across the world. It supports the gender justice movements. They become driving forces in oppression. AWID collaborates with activists and policymakers worldwide to influence gender policies and practices.
  • Advancing women’s rights and interests: Women in NGOs/NPOs have ensured women’s rights and interests in the laws, policies, and programs. They have also ensured that women’s needs and perspectives are integrated. They have done this in the development and humanitarian agendas and actions. For example, United Nations (UN) Women is the UN agency for gender equality and women’s empowerment. It assists UN states in achieving and implementing women’s rights.

Interviews with Female Leaders

We collected interviews with female leaders in NGOs/NPOs to learn about their role and impact. They lead and motivate women and girls in this sector. In this section, we will share their interviews, stories, and tips on women’s empowerment in NGOs/NPOs.

Expert Insights

We collected interviews with female experts in NGOs/NPOs to understand their work and influence. Here are some of the insights and advice that they shared with us:


1. Cristina Jiménez, Executive Director & Co-Founder of United We Dream: Cristina Jimenéz started the group in 2008. She helped Obama protect young undocumented immigrants in 2012.

2. Anne Wallestad, President & CEO of BoardSource: Anne Wallestad has been promoting gender equality and diversity in nonprofit boards.

3. Brittany Packnett, VP of National Community Alliances at Teach for America: Brittany Packnett has increased diversity in Teach for America applications. These applicants want to teach in low-income schools with students of color.


4. Irene Buhrfeindt, Vice President, Asia Pacific of Tronox: Irene Buhrfeindt talked about being feminine and graceful in a male world.

5. Davina Yeo, Chief of Staff, Asia Pacific at Microsoft: Davina Yeo spoke about combating biases and leading with empathy in the workplace.

These women have excelled in their fields and inspired future generations. Their stories are a testament to the power of perseverance, dedication, and leadership.

Stories of Empowerment

We collected stories of empowerment from women in NGOs/NPOs. These stories reveal their transformation and empowerment with women in NGOs/NPOs. Here are some of the stories of empowerment that we gathered:


1. Sara Abdullah Pilot and Lora Prabhu started the Center for Equity and Inclusion (CEQUIN) in 2009. It is an NGO that collaborates with women and girls in need. It promotes gender equity and sports. They want to empower girls to be independent and confident in their life and career choices.


2. Girl Up Philippines, a UN campaign, gives girls a platform and access. They have partnered with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and UN Population Fund (FPA) to support girls in Liberia, Uganda, and more.

3. Amarela Philippines started in 2019. It is a youth-led non-profit. It works for women’s health, rights, and education. Their missions include improving the health system in the Philippines. They want to have sex education and care accessible. They promote women’s empowerment and gender inclusivity. They fight against gender-based violence.

4. Pink Lips PH is another youth-led non-profit organization in the Philippines. Launched in 2020, Pink Lips PH promotes women's empowerment through youth-driven activism. The organization has a mission. The mission is to create a safe and better Philippines. The target group is the less fortunate and vulnerable population. The organization provides a platform for this purpose. The platform aims to inspire involvement and ignite changes in the community.

5. Girls Got Game PH is a group of ex-athletes who help young women grow through sports. They teach girls to think like athletes and overcome obstacles. They also offer mental and emotional support from female mentors.

These stories are a testament to the power of perseverance, dedication, and leadership. They inspire and give hope to others.

The Impact of Empowered Women

Empowered women in NGOs/NPOs have a positive and lasting impact on society and the world. The SDGs are goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity by 2030. Women in NGOs/NPOs contributed to these goals. Some of the impacts of empowered women in NGOs/NPOs are:

An image symbolizing the positive impacts of empowered women, such as improved living conditions, education, and community well-being.

  • Reducing poverty and hunger: They have improved the income and food security of the poor and vulnerable groups such as women and children. They have helped increase the productivity and resilience of the farmers and workers, especially women and rural people. They depend on agriculture and natural resources for their livelihoods. For example, Akshaya Patra, a nonprofit in India, has been feeding poor children at schools. It has helped many women and children get nutritious food, clean water, and sanitation.
  • Improving health and well-being: They have prevented and treated diseases and illnesses affecting the health and survival of the people, especially women and children. They have also promoted the mental and emotional health of people, especially those who face trauma, stress, and violence. For example, CARE, a global humanitarian group, helps women and girls with health. It has reached many people in various countries. It has helped them cope and recover from various health issues that had effects on them.
  • Enhancing education and learning: They have increased the access and quality of education for people, especially women and girls. They are often excluded or discriminated against from learning opportunities. Empowered women in NGOs/NPOs have done a lot of good. They have helped foster the skills and competencies of the people, especially important for the youth. They need to adapt and thrive in the changing and challenging world. For example, the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) held a virtual dialogue with education stakeholders and NGOs. They discussed updates and solutions for basic education issues. It has empowered and educated many people for their growth.

Empowered women, empower women. Women in NGOs/NPOs have a message and a mission: to improve the world for all. They are role models and mentors for future women leaders and changemakers. They are partners and allies of men and others who want the common good.

This blog highlights the work and impact of women in NGOs/NPOs across different domains. It has interviews with female leaders on women’s social impact. This blog aims to inspire you to support empowered women in NGOs/NPOs and celebrate Women’s Month. Together, we can empower more women, and create more positive change in the world. Thank you for reading. 😊


Celebrate and appreciate the role and impact of empowered women in NGOs/NPOs, who have made a difference in various fields and sectors and have also empowered and inspired other women and girls to pursue their goals and dreams.

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